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    • 主演:克里斯托弗·李  查尔斯·格雷  罗莎琳·兰德  帕特里克·莫夫  埃迪·鲍威尔  拉塞尔·沃特斯  
    • 导演:泰伦斯·费希  
    • 分类:恐怖片
    • 地区:英国
    • 年份:1968 
    • 更新:2022-10-18 16:51
    • 简介:恶魔出击是由泰伦斯·费希执导,克里斯托弗·李,查尔斯·格雷,罗莎琳·兰德,帕特里克·莫夫,埃迪·鲍威尔,拉塞尔·沃特斯等人主演的,于1968年上映,该恐怖片讲述的是In the countryside of England, the Duc de Richleau a.k.a Nicholas welcomes his old friend Rex Van Ryn that has flown to meet him and Simon Aron, who is the son of an old friend of them that had passed away but charged them the task of watching the youngster. Nicholas and Rex unexpectedly visit Simon that is receiving twelve mysterious friends. Sooner Nicholas, who is proficient in black magic, learns that the guests are member of a satanic cult and Simon and his friend Tanith Carlisle will be baptized by the powerful leader Mocata to serve the devil. The two friends abduct Simon and Tanith expecting to save their souls but Mocata summons the Angel of Death and the Goat of Mendes to help him in a battle between the good and the forces of evil.(《恶魔出击》恐怖片于2022-10-18 16:51由 2022手机版高清影视在线-众电影院收集自网络发布。)



    In the countryside of England, the Duc de Richleau a.k.a Nicholas welcomes his old friend Rex Van Ryn that has flown to meet him and Simon Aron, who is the son of an old friend of them that had passed away but charged them the task of watching the youngster. Nicholas and Rex unexpectedly visit Simon that is receiving twelve mysterious friends. Sooner Nicholas, who is proficient in black magic, learns that the guests are member of a satanic cult and Simon and his friend Tanith Carlisle will be baptized by the powerful leader Mocata to serve the devil. The two friends abduct Simon and Tanith expecting to save their souls but Mocata summons the Angel of Death and the Goat of Mendes to help him in a battle between the good and the forces of evil.
    欢迎在线观看电影《恶魔出击》,本视频由 2022手机版高清影视在线-众电影院https://www.zd-sh.com收集自网络。 如果你喜欢《恶魔出击》,请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝亲观影愉快!



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    恶魔系列 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载: 内容预览:纽约,夏日五点,天空晴朗,万里无云,金色日阳依然高挂蓝天。咻——一部加长型奔驰房车,疾速驶离国内机场,驶上快速道路,一路驰向齐世集团位在纽约市区的PJ大楼。隔去窗外一切杂音,后座神情略显疲惫的男人,躺靠身后舒适椅背,抬手扯松领带,拨弄过一头微乱短发。为扩展美洲事业版图,他已经有近三个月时间,没好好睡上一觉,现在,他累得只想好好休息一会。伸展四肢,男人闭敛黑眸,打算利用短暂的行车时间闭目养神,因为待会儿在PJ大楼里,还有一个重要会议等候他聆听裁决。「总……」坐于前座位置,齐世集团总裁执行特助徐明拿出记事本,转头欲向后座男人报

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