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    • 正在播放冒险王尊尼正片
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    • 主演:甄子菁  斯科特·勒维  马特·姆林斯  杰森·伦敦  伊拉姆·崔  迈克尔·哥兹  
    • 导演:Kenn  Scott  
    • 分类:动作片
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2007 
    • 更新:2023-02-23 21:54
    • 简介:冒险王尊尼是由Kenn Scott执导,甄子菁,斯科特·勒维,马特·姆林斯,杰森·伦敦,伊拉姆·崔,迈克尔·哥兹等人主演的,于2007年上映,该动作片讲述的是Johnny Dow struggles to make a living at his small town gas station by charging motorists to see the electric guitar used by his late father a one-hit, rock and roll wonder. Legend has it the guitar was carved in the shape of a dragon's head and made in part from an ancient spear his father found in the crater of a shooting star. When Johnny's friend Eddie stumbles upon the other half of the spear he releases an ancient demon hungry for power and destruction. Mika a beautiful Chinese warrior who holds the secret to fighting Eddie and his army of kung fu, sugar-craving warriors reveals to Johnny that the only way to stop the evil spirit is to use the first half of the spear - the dragon on Johnny's guitar! Together Johnny and Mika set out to fight Eddie and his army, reunite the two halves of the spear, restore peace to the town and - of course - save the world!">。(《冒险王尊尼》动作片于2023-02-23 21:54由 2022手机版高清影视在线-众电影院收集自网络发布。)



    Johnny Dow struggles to make a living at his small town gas station by charging motorists to see the electric guitar used by his late father a one-hit, rock and roll wonder. Legend has it the guitar was carved in the shape of a dragon's head and made in part from an ancient spear his father found in the crater of a shooting star. When Johnny's friend Eddie stumbles upon the other half of the spear he releases an ancient demon hungry for power and destruction. Mika a beautiful Chinese warrior who holds the secret to fighting Eddie and his army of kung fu, sugar-craving warriors reveals to Johnny that the only way to stop the evil spirit is to use the first half of the spear - the dragon on Johnny's guitar! Together Johnny and Mika set out to fight Eddie and his army, reunite the two halves of the spear, restore peace to the town and - of course - save the world!">。
    欢迎在线观看电影《冒险王尊尼》,本视频由 2022手机版高清影视在线-众电影院https://www.zd-sh.com收集自网络。 如果你喜欢《冒险王尊尼》,请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝亲观影愉快!



    • HD无限马克·沃尔伯格,迪伦·奥布莱恩,杰森·曼楚克斯,鲁伯特·弗兰德,索菲·库克森,切瓦特·埃加福,托比·琼斯,沃利斯·戴,汤姆·休斯,约翰内斯·豪克尔·约翰内森,加绘·亚历山大,利兹·凯尔,Lili,Rich,乔安娜·里贝罗,纳比勒·埃卢比,拉菲拉·查普曼,马克·弗莱施曼,乔丹·A·纳什,蒂利亚纳·布克丽瓦,利昂·阿诺
    • 正片侏罗纪世界3克里斯·帕拉特,布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德,劳拉·邓恩,山姆·尼尔,杰夫·高布伦,德汪达·怀斯,马莫多·阿西,伊莎贝拉·瑟蒙,坎贝尔·斯科特,黄荣亮,奥玛·希,贾斯蒂斯·史密斯,丹妮艾拉·皮内达,斯科特·黑兹,迪辰·拉克曼,克里斯托弗·普拉哈,芙蕾雅·帕克,亚历山大·欧文,埃尔娃·崔尔,特蕾莎·森登·加西亚,瓦拉达·塞图,本·阿什登,小恩佐·斯奎利诺,格利尼斯·戴维斯,摩西·布林斯·普兰提,柯基·法尔
    • 正片神探大战刘青云,蔡卓妍,林峯,李若彤,谭凯,陈家乐,汤怡,何珮瑜,吴浩康,洪天明,车婉婉,斌子,李菁,马志威,杨天宇,胡子彤,朱鉴然,马睿瀚
    • 正片恶人传马东锡,金武烈,金成圭,刘承睦,崔民哲,金胤成,许栋元,吴熙俊,杨志洙,金洁,李恩泉,刘在明
    • 正片魔女2申诗雅,李钟硕,赵敏修,金多美,朴恩斌,徐恩秀,晋久,成侑彬
    • 超清高压重犯李香凝
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    • 正片怒火攻心杰森·斯坦森,艾米·斯马特,何塞·巴勃罗·坎蒂略,艾弗连·莱米雷斯,
    • 超清夏威夷冷艳特工罗伯塔·瓦斯奎兹,布鲁斯·彭哈尔,杰弗里·摩尔,多纳·斯皮尔
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    • 正片神墓李明轩,张荻,刘官琪,王卓达,单明凯


    假面骑士 翼骑士 姓名:Len 莲(原版骑士) 年龄:24 读卡器:Dark Visor 座骑:Wing Cycle 契约兽:Black Wing(暗翼) 降临卡:(Vent Card) Attack Vent(AP-4000):召唤Black Wing Sword Vent(AP-2000):召唤由Black Wing尾部变成的骑枪 Trick Vent(AP-1000):产生多个份身 Nasty Vent(AP-2000):由Black Wing口部放出音波 Guard Vent(GP-3000):Black Wing装置于背上,并用双翼包围 Final Vent(AP-5000):发动必杀技 个人简介:Len是个硬汉大兵, Ventara的幸存者,为了阻止Xaviax的阴谋而来到地球 因从小接受训练的关系,所以格斗能力极高 性格冷酷,而且硬朗 起初对凯并不信任,但最后成功克服对她的怀疑,并作为她的导师和搭挡 因在梦境跟龙骑相似的龙牙(Onyx)战斗,加上濑(Kase)的出现而开始感到困 惑 成为假面骑士的原因:Len想要拯救地球并且从Xaviax手中夺回自己的母星Ventara。

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