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    • 主演:巴斯特·基顿  西碧尔·希利  
    • 导演:巴斯特·基顿  爱德华·克莱因  
    • 分类:喜剧片
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:1921 
    • 更新:2022-08-24 05:42
    • 简介:船是由巴斯特·基顿,爱德华·克莱因执导,巴斯特·基顿,西碧尔·希利等人主演的,于1921年上映,该喜剧片讲述的是Buster's handmade boat, The Damfino, is finished and is, of course, too large to get through the basement door. When he drives off with it in tow, the side of his house, then the whole thing, collapses. At the harbor he rides the boat out only to have it sink beneath him. The rest is a series of adventures he and his family have with the restored boat.">。"> 2022手机版高清影视在线-众电影院收集自网络发布。)



    Buster's handmade boat, The Damfino, is finished and is, of course, too large to get through the basement door. When he drives off with it in tow, the side of his house, then the whole thing, collapses. At the harbor he rides the boat out only to have it sink beneath him. The rest is a series of adventures he and his family have with the restored boat.">。">




    一条小小的船,飘泊过东南西北,西北东南。盛载了多少憧憬,多少梦幻。船儿美丽,梦儿旖旎,穿过海洋,渡过河川,来来往往无牵绊。春去秋来,时光荏苒,憧憬已渺,梦儿已残,美丽的小船,不复昔日的光辉灿烂!经过风暴,涉过险滩,盛满时光,载满苦难,何时才能卸下这沉沉重担?经年累月,飘泊流连,白日苦短,夜来苦寒,何处是我避风的港湾?我已疲倦,我已颟顸,憧憬已渺,梦儿已残,何处是我停泊的边岸?我已疲倦,我已颟顸,何处是我停泊的边岸?憧憬已渺,梦儿已残,何处是我避风的港湾?” 船是一种动力,一种理想,努力工作,努力生活

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